Hi All,

Yesterday I offer to one customer some screenshots of an application, that screenshots was made with WireframeSketcher.

The stupid customer answers me that their imagination was not able to see the screenshots as like as the final application.

Obviously this is not the pourpose of WireframeSketcher, so are you consider to apply in the future an schema of CSS in order to feels like more (final-userfriendly / stupid-customerfriendly) ??

So if you can consider adding CSS Schema, many qüestions in the forum like, size labels, fonts, other ones, backgrounds etc.. can be solved changing only the CSS Schema.

Probably this topic sounds Stupid as the answer of my customer, but... What about your opinion ?


I can certainly see some kind of support for skins in the future. I actually was thinking about the possibility of having a more "sketchy" (like in hand-drawn) look. But sure, a native look could also be a possibility.

I can't say when I'll add something like this, if ever. I have still a lot of work in other areas. However I plan to add some support for colors and other style elements in the near future. It won't solve your problem completely but it should help.