These instructions are for offline installation. If you prefer to use Eclipse Update Manager then please see the download page.

WireframeSketcher requires at least Eclipse 3.3. To install it download the plug-in archive below: (Current version is 7.2.2 from Jan 31 2025. See what’s new)

WireframeSketcher plug-in also requires EMF and GEF plug-ins. You can get them either using Eclipse Update Manager or by downloading and installing them manually from Eclipse site:

To install follow these steps:

1. Stop Eclipse

2. Unzip the plug-in archive in your Eclipse installation directory.

3. Restart Eclipse and check that WireframeSketcher is properly installed. To do so, open Help > About Eclipse Platform > Feature Details and you should be able to see WireframeSketcher plug-in as shown:

Verify installed plug-ins

4. Read the User Guide to get started.